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Zaragoza law courts


S2 1% - RIELDECOR - Palacio de justicia de zaragoza - Sergio Sebastian - Mermet S.A.S.


1,500 manual, high-fit and chain-operated internal roller blinds (7800 m²) with S2 1% fabric colour 0201 White Grey

This very dense double-sided fabric quickly emerged as the right solution thanks to its numerous benefits:

- Excellent glare control: the interior (darker) side of the fabric filters 94% of the sun's rays (Tv = 6%);

- The quality of its transparency: vision to the outside is optimised thanks to the double-sided weave technology, while maintaining the privacy of occupants during the day.


Zaragoza law courts
Zaragoza law courts
Zaragoza law courts
Zaragoza law courts


Tertiary: Offices, Shops, Transport


  • Internal
  • Solar protection


Opacity levels


Sergio Sebastian


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